Every day, the average American household uses 400 gallons of water. Little things around the house are huge sources of water waste such as letting a leaky faucet drip or taking a too-long shower. Water conservation is important in ensuring we make the most of our finite supply of clean water and protect the environment. Out of the 70 percent of water available, only 0.03 percent is freshwater. Knowing these facts, it’s more important than ever to find ways to conserve water. Consider these six tips to help save water from the experienced team of Gainesville plumbers at Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc.
Fill The Sink To Wash Dishes
If you enjoy hand washing dishes over running the dishwasher, fill one side of the sink with soapy water and rinse using the other side. Don’t let the water run while scrubbing the dishes — sinks have a stopper for a reason. If you prefer to use the dishwasher instead, only run it when it’s entirely full. Also, scrape dishes before putting them in; it will save up to 10 gallons a load.
Invest In A Shower Bucket
Rather than allowing water to run down the drain while waiting for the shower to heat up, place a bucket underneath the spigot to catch the cool water. You can use this saved water to flush the toilet, refill pet water dishes, or water plants. This simple water conservation method can help save gallons of water a day.
Fix Leaks Right Away
Leaks are one of the most unassuming sources of water loss in the home. A dripping kitchen sink can waste nearly 20 gallons of water a day and a leaking toilet almost 200 gallons. It’s vital to fix leaks in the home right away. Whether it’s a DIY fix or severe enough to need plumbing services, repairing leaky faucets translates into substantial water savings. If you’re having problems with your kitchen or bathroom water fixtures, contact us and schedule an appointment today!
Take Shorter Showers
We all love a nice, long shower to relax, but over time those can waste water. Older showerheads can use up to five gallons of water per minute, and regular showerheads use two and a half gallons a minute. To help you keep track of your shower time, have a kitchen timer handy and aim for five minutes or less — the planet and your water bill will thank you.
Water Plants In The Morning
Mornings are the best time to water outdoor plants because less water is needed. Cooler temperatures earlier in the day mean less water lost to evaporation. Don’t water plants in the evening as the lack of evaporation can lead to an increased chance of mold growth.
Shut Off The Tap
Leaving the water running is a bad habit that most people have, but now is the time to kick the habit for good. Turning off the tap between immediate uses is one of the easiest methods of conserving water. Don’t let the faucet run while brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hands or face, or washing dishes. Faucets in the bathroom use approximately two gallons of water a minute, which can add up over the course of a day.